As we can see from my results the majority of participants said they find out films through Cinema Adverts. This was the result I was expecting to receive as advertising in the cinema is probably the best way to advertise a film as you know you have an audience.

From question 2 “what cinema do you often go to?” We can see that most people got to Vue whilst another six participant said they go to Odeon. Once again this is the sort of result I was expecting, due to Vue being easier access and more popular as well as Odeon.

Most participants said that they go to the cinema twice a month where as eight participants said once a month. Participants said to me though, it varies, they said it depends what’s going on in the cinema.

As we can see from the results more people go to watch a film at either there friends house or cinema, rather than their own home. So I’ve established that most people go to watch films as more of a social event rather than by themselves, although there is still a small minority that watch films in their own homes.

The majority of participants prefer Crime/Gangster Thriller and the rest of the participants prefer Action/Drama Thriller. Crime/Gangster Thriller attends to have a more sort of interesting plot to them, they can leave you on the edges of your seats. Where as Action/ Drama Thriller can attend to become repetitive on story lines etc.

Most participants went along and said that they would expect to find composed instrumental music within a thriller film. One participant told me he wouldn’t know what to expect, this may be due to the many various thriller film that contain different aspects of music within them.

Majority of participants said they would expect the victim to be innocent; this is probably due to many pass thriller films. With their typical story lines, man wants to kill woman etc. Five participants said they would expect their victim to be deviant this may be due to new thriller films coming out on the market, new, interesting, exciting storylines.

Most participants said that they would expect to find the villain deviant within a thriller film, this may be due to new modern concepts of the thriller genre coming out on the big screen. Only a small minority said they would expect to find the villain unstable, the reason for such a small number of participants is due to the new complex and narrative structure of thriller films.

On the final question of my questionnaire I was expecting the result to be around this area. There are a high proportion of participants that prefer mainstream than independent films. This may be due to the fact that participants may not be able to defy independent in its key terms or only think that mainstream films and films in the cinema.
Good - you have found out about the habits of aa general audience and you have investigated some of an audiences expectations of thriller films. You have not profiled your audience - for instance do different types of audience expect or want different things from a thriller film?